viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

"Mi vida de acuerdo a Sabina "

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 14 people you like and include me.You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Repost as
"Mi vida de acuerdo a Sabina "

Pick Your Artist: Joaquín Sabina
Are you a male or female?: Yo quiero ser una chica almodovar
Describe yourself: Es mentira
How do you feel: Ganas de…
Describe where you currently live: Por el Boulevard de los sueños rotos
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: La del pirata cojo
Your favorite form of transportation: El Blues del autobus
Your best friends are: Cuando era mas joven
Your favorite color is: Seis de la mañana
What's the weather like: Medias negras
Favorite time of day: La cancion de las noches perdidas
If your life was a T.V. show, what would it be called: 19 dias y 500 noches
Your ideal birthday present would be: La canción de las noches perdidas
What is life to you: Tan joven y tan viejo
Your relationship: A orilla de la chimenea
Looking for: Contigo
Wouldn’t mind: Y si amanece por fin
Your fear: A mis cuarenta y diez
What is the best advice you have to give: Pastillas para no soñar
If you could change your name it would be: Rosa de Lima
Thought for the Day: Más de cien mentiras
How I would like to die: En pie de guerra
Soul's present condition: Whisky sin soda
Biggest secret: Corre, dijo la tortuga

2 comentarios:

Sergio DS dijo...

Y todo eso tras fumarse 50 ó 60 cigarros.

carmeloti dijo...

Me apasiona Sabina, que el fin del mundo nos pille bailando...